A Systemic Approach for Police-Community Relations


A Systemic Approach is recommended across the board by Task Forces, police leaders, politicians, academics, and people who work with complex issues around the world.


What is it, specifically?

If we were asked to write a paragraph explaining a Systemic Approach, could we do it?

How is it different from our current approaches to police-community relations?


Is it practical?

Can we begin to learn in an applied workshop?

We’re under terrific pressure. Can a Systemic Approach give us new ways without having to change EVERYTHING?

A Systemic Approach is counter-intuitive yet it has been applied over decades, taking on extremely significant challenges around the world. It works. It is disciplined and sensitive. It is principled and the practices and methods are transparent and engaging.


Are we satisfied with our current approaches? Are we willing to open our minds?


On December 1-2, 2016 in Sacramento

there is a rigorous and challenging intensive workshop for Law Enforcement leaders who are seeking a new path. It is offered by experienced practitioners who also have deep background on the challenges and current state of affairs in police-community relations. It will be interactive, dynamic and we will practice Systemic Methods as we learn.


Learning Objectives for the Interactive Workshop


1. What is “Systemics?” Is it related to Complex Issues? To Systems thinking? To Critical Thinking?

2. What are Systemic Principles that under-gird Systemic Practices and Methods? Why these principles?How are they related? How do they compare with our current principles, practices, and assumptions?

3. We’ll be practicing Systemic Methods to have the experience of the Principles in action – not just once, but several times to get our confidence. We’ll learn to discern when a Systemic Approach makes sense.

4. We’ll explore how Systemic Principles enable all participants and stakeholders to engage and build relationships through disciplined knowledge sharing. We’ll use case examples. We’ll be working through a “barrier analysis” of what Systemic Practitioners have learned about pitfalls and how to avoid them.

5. What would this look like in my city? In my department and community? What would this take? We’ll use our imagination in various activities and sharing. What would next steps look like? We’ll collaborate.

6. How will this support my leadership and protect my team? How will this offer a different way for us to interact with the city officials, “the communities” and the media?


Details About the Workshop – 2 Days with Optional 3rd Day


Thursday, December 1  Workshop registration 8AM    Session Begins 8:30

Lunch provided on site with a generous amount of time to get out and walk around

Break for dinner at 5:30 – downtown Sacramento has many wonderful walk-to restaurants and participants are on their own for dinner both nights and breakfast.

Friday, December 2  Workshop begins 8:30AM and concludes 5:30PM

Saturday, December 3 Optional 3rd Day (9-4PM)

After-hours supplementary “practice day” will be for those who want to continue their skill-building experiences. We will be at the same facility. Participants will have a chance to “explain or teach about” what they have learned and get feedback from their peers and facilitator/coaches. If there is interest, we will film these and participants will be able to see how they can improve.

Support materials will be explored for participants to use as they go back to their departments.


Cost & Registration


Workshop fee: $650 | After-hours Practice Day $185

Discounts: 40% discount for 2nd or 3rd member from the same department
There will be a limited number of participants.

Details on a virtual participation option for those wishing to attend at a distance will be posted shorty.


Payment Options

Please mail your check payable to Future Insight Maps, Inc.

Future Insight Maps, 130 Market Place, #300, San Ramon, CA 94583


Via PayPal

Select Workshop Option

Questions? Contact Barbara Strickland at 510-865-5075 or barbara@futureinsightmaps.com


Website links and details about a Systemic Approach and Workshop Leaders



Jane Lorand, John Mutz, and Bruce McKenzie. Jane is an attorney and entrepreneur who has worked with large and messy issues in law enforcement and governments as well as in the corporate world. She founded and led the first GreenMBA program at an accredited university. John is a retired LAPD commander and pioneer who led client-centered change within law enforcement. He is a consultant and coach in industry and law enforcement. Bruce McKenzie is a global expert in Systemic Practices from Australia, who has worked extensively with law enforcement in AU and led Restorative Justice work in Bangkok.



A new social media toolset, WindTunneling, enables safety and candor, transparency while engaging as equals. In the challenge of building safer working environments for officers and a safer community for residents and businesses we need alternative approaches. Reducing fear and crime is central to this work. Without new tools and alternative approaches, hard-working people with good intentions are likely to continue to churn.


Jane Lorand, and John Mutz are attending this 21st Century Policing conference and they will be happy to discuss these issues and other concerns you may have.